Monday, August 30, 2010

It occurred to me the other day that when Google finally gets us all jacked in and connected that I'll be able to get answers to so many questions so much more amazingly faster.

You see Brain will allow us to pick whatever pertinent information we need right from the appropriate section of the gray matter of our nearest and dearest. What does my office buddy want for lunch today? A quick search through Google Brain and I can see the desire for pizza seems to have worked it's way up to the top of the results. What was the name of that theater show my wife was dying to see? One quick click of the Brain search button and I've just earned myself some serious points with my lady.

It's easy to see that with Google Brain everybody wins.

What's really going to be exciting is the Brain Cluster search. With Brain Cluster you'll be able to pick any group of brains and see what's on their collective minds. What's the best place to bring everyone for dinner? Brain Cluster has the answer. Did you really blow it last week when you made fun of Jimmy in front of everyone for that thing he said? Brain Cluster can give you the exact approval/disapproval percentages in seconds.

This service, as expected, would be limited solely to your most trusted of friends and family, and of course Google. Logic dictates that you shouldn't be able to search just anyone's brain for just anything. Well, logic and most privacy laws (for now). With Google Brain you'll be able to set limits on exactly who can have ingress in to that thing you call a brain and exactly what they can rummage through. 

Looking for a way to earn a little extra spending money? Well if you tend to be the go-to guy for answers for your friends and family then Google's Ad Sense for Brains might just be your ticket to that new stereo system. With Ad Sense for Brains you can monetize all of those random queries and turn them in to cold hard numbers that will move directly from your Ad Sense for Brains account right in to your online bank account to make those numbers even bigger! With all that adding of numbers you'll find that deducting numbers becomes less of a worry and soon unicorns and rainbows will be guiding you effortlessly through life.

Combine this with the fact that with Google Brain all of these inquiries can be answered without you even knowing it and it's easy to see that you'll have time and cell phone minutes to spare!

What will they think of next!? Well, Google Brain of course!

Anyway, I for one welcome Google Brain. It's about time we stopped using these clumsy human interfaces and got something we can actually rely upon. That and I think I can make some decent money from relevant ads posted around all the built up useless knowledge that I have. I can finally put those magazine subscriptions and countless hours of Discovery to work!


Thursday, March 18, 2010

Interesting interests.

I love seeing everyday things taken to their inevitably forthcoming artistic end.

It always happens. Someone eventually sees a way to take something previously viewed as mundane, simple, or childish and use it to create some fantastic art. I mean when you think about it art is really always made up of those items at it's core, but for some reason certain mediums and tools are not seen as legitimate simply because they haven't become established. That is a sad and terrible thing, and yet at the same time it seems to help the artists that drive off in to interesting and different directions to push themselves to create truly fantastic visual feasts. Hit the people sideways visually and they can't help but crack their minds open just a little.

That's how I view the below documentary. It's about AFOLs (Adult Fans Of LEGO) and their love for the Brick. But these folks aren't just playing with childhood toys. They are constantly seeking a new way to express their creative desire through creation by LEGO. It's fantastic, inspiring, and above all else, a wonderful example of the human mind set free to build as it sees fit.

Check it out. You'll probably spend a significant portion of the beginning trying to deny the fact that you wish you had a bunch of your old LEGOs around to start forming some new sculpture or machine. In the end I simply enjoyed it for the fact that these folks take their interest, and an object that was designed for simple reinterpretation, and make the possibilities seem infinite.

AFOL A Blocumentary from AFOL on Vimeo.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Look Up

I have a theory.

I think that if we all made sure that every once in a while we took a moment and looked straight up at the sky that we would be just a slight bit happier.

I may be wrong but so far it has always worked for me.

Perhaps there's just something in my head that shifts ever so slightly when I tilt my head back that far, causing the release of all the happy chemicals in my brain. I don't know if you have one too, but I encourage you to explore the idea.

At the very least you'll see a little bit more of this amazing planet we find ourselves on and that's always worth doing.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Sleepy Head

IMG_3449, originally uploaded by JakeEbel.


Where have I been!?

Time to get this puppy back up and running.

I'd ask you guys what you'd like to see but then I'd be handing partial control over to you. I'm slightly worried about what that would result in.

So instead I'll just do as I like and you can complain in the comments section. That sounds like a solid plan to me. : )

Here goes nothing!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Karate for enochlophobics.

Karate for enochlophobics., originally uploaded by JakeEbel.

So, I see this sign as I'm driving down the road and it makes me wonder:

What exactly is a semi-private karate class?

Private I get.

You don't want everyone seeing your terrible form while practicing your Mr. Miyagi moves so you prefer to get your training mano y mano until you're fully up to snuff and can Crane Kick like a...well, crane I guess.

That's fine.

The thing that confuses me is this "semi-private" stuff. What exactly would that entail? Is it a stepping stone for people who want to eventually show their karate skills to the masses but just aren't comfortable yet? Is it for creepy people who want someone else there to watch them while their dojo master makes them break bricks with their head? Or perhaps it's for private lessons in a semi (truck). Now that would be weird. Or a very Segal thing to do.

Anyway, the place was unsurprisingly out of business. Too bad really. I very much wanted to talk to them about this whole thing. I'm sure they'd have a perfectly rational explanation that still wouldn't satisfy me, but at least I could meet them and add them to my list of people that make signs with semi-random word placement.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Up up and away!

Up up and away!, originally uploaded by JakeEbel.

I'm off!

If I have too much fun I may never come back.

Tchau gente!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The People I Know Are Definitely The Best

IMG_3084, originally uploaded by JakeEbel.

I don't know how it happened but all my friends are stupendous.

It's like they all grew on little Fantastic Trees until they were ripe enough and then fell off right in to my friend basket.

Tonight they surprised me and got me a gift.

I love gifts.

Gifts, especially out of the blue, make my head explode with joy x 2. This one was given to me on a day that could have been a very unhappy one for me. It was kind of an unofficial end to a massive joint endeavor I had hoped to fully accomplish. It seems though that the chances of that are highly diminished at this point in time. Will that change? I really wish it would.

But that's not the important thing at the moment. The important thing, at THIS VERY MOMENT, is that my friends are so splendid I had FORGOTTEN about the tragic part of today. Can you believe that? I mean how do you pull that off? How are you so fantastic a group to be with that people can't actually focus on anything else except how amazingly cool it is to be hanging out with you!?

I don't even know what else to say about it! (That isn't true. I actually have a plenty more to say but I thought I'd type that for you to read as a kind of mini intermission.)

Get this; What I got was a gift certificate to Tiffany & Co. Am I one of the only men on the planet that is excited about that? Probably. Is it wicked cool that my friends know me this well? Ummm...yes!

Do I feel like a jerk for saying that I think gift certificates are kind of a boring gift during the conversation my friends maliciously baited me into about gifts just slightly before I received mine? A little. But that's in the past now! And you guys set me up anyway. (Oh yeah, back on you.)

Is it weird that a night involving great food, good friends, Tiffany & Co gift certificates, and watching The Scarlet Pimpernele would be ideal in my mind? Not if you knew me.

And here's another thing: Today I went to work, did some grocery shopping, hung out with my friends, got three loads of laundry done, made strawberry shortcake, and watched a movie. A couple of years ago it would have been a miracle for me to accomplish any ONE of those things in a given day. To get them all done and be happy still is a surreal feeling, and I couldn't have gotten to this point without the incredible support of all those around me. I've seen some dark days and the appreciation I have for everyone that has helped me is beyond my ability to express here.

I don't know if I can ever repay all of you fully, but I don't mind spending the rest of my time trying.

And so I find myself incredibly excited about what tomorrow can bring. Because with friends like these the insurmountable seems as easy as dinner & a movie.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Seeking editor. Inquire within.

Seeking editor. Inquire within., originally uploaded by JakeEbel.

So, I'm leisurely driving home today and as I'm passing by the local tattoo parlor/leather store I see this sign out of the corner of my eye.

"Did that say 'SPING'?" I said to myself.

So a quick U-turn was pulled, which quickly got me back to the parking lot in question, and there it was in all it's glory.

Now we see misspelled signs and horrible grammar everywhere these days. I myself indulge in it from time to time. But I would think that getting things spelled correctly would be very high on a tattoo parlor's list of things to do to attract customers.

I mean I'm no marketing guru but this one seems pretty straight forward.

Trying to give them the benefit of the doubt I thought that perhaps "SPING" is a term that tattoo people know and I'm just foolishly unaware of. But it doesn't seem tough enough sounding for that. Then I noticed that for some reason the only lowercase letter on the whole sign is the "h" located right in the center of the word "leather". Although that "k" in "ink" is looking a little suspect also.

Either way it made my day. And if you go there for ink work make sure it's all graphic. You don't want to end up with "Haley" instead of "Harley". You couldn't wear enough leather to offset that.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

The time has come.

The time has come., originally uploaded by JakeEbel.

Well my friends, all I can say is, watch your back.

In my possesion, and shown above, is my new camera. I will be using this camera in an ongoing effort to take a picture of everything that strikes my fancy.

That could be you. Yes, YOU.

There are a few ways to avoid this. First on the list is to tell me about really interesting places that could lend themselves to interesting shots. Do this and you'll have instant veto rights on all photos that contain your nice little visage.

Your second option is to run. This probably won't work very well as I can most likely snap your picture before you'd get very far, and then there would be a terribly silly photo of you doing such, which I will promptly show the world.

"This is my friend trying to run away from my camera. Isn't it HILARIOUS!" I'll say.

I was going to state that your third option is to hide. But really. Hide from ME!? Ha! Please!

So there it is. You help me and I'll try to help you not embarass yourself. A solid plan in my estimation.

: )

Anywho, I CAN'T WAIT! I love taking photos and I promise to make everyone look fantastic! (within reason of course)

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Vurk, originally uploaded by JakeEbel.

Work is a lot like death, it just lasts longer.

How much longer? As far as I can tell it may not even be measurable. I've tried doing the numbers on it twice now and then it hit me that THAT was work! It gets you coming and going people.

Someday when I'm living naked on my island with a freshwater spring and a lemon tree I'll think back about work and let out one big, "HA!"

Then I'll probably go swimming.

In case you were wondering swimming is NOT work. In fact it is anti-work. One day swimming and hangin' at the beach can easily offset an entire week of work.

And don't even get me started on sailing! That stuff scares the icky junk right out of work.

Did I mention it's 18 degrees out currently? Because it is, and that makes the above activities difficult, and that gives work an edge.

Not good.

Which brings me back to the island idea. I think it's a rather good idea. Except for the naked part. I don't know if I could really do that. But it doesn't hinge on that anyway.