Thursday, March 18, 2010

Interesting interests.

I love seeing everyday things taken to their inevitably forthcoming artistic end.

It always happens. Someone eventually sees a way to take something previously viewed as mundane, simple, or childish and use it to create some fantastic art. I mean when you think about it art is really always made up of those items at it's core, but for some reason certain mediums and tools are not seen as legitimate simply because they haven't become established. That is a sad and terrible thing, and yet at the same time it seems to help the artists that drive off in to interesting and different directions to push themselves to create truly fantastic visual feasts. Hit the people sideways visually and they can't help but crack their minds open just a little.

That's how I view the below documentary. It's about AFOLs (Adult Fans Of LEGO) and their love for the Brick. But these folks aren't just playing with childhood toys. They are constantly seeking a new way to express their creative desire through creation by LEGO. It's fantastic, inspiring, and above all else, a wonderful example of the human mind set free to build as it sees fit.

Check it out. You'll probably spend a significant portion of the beginning trying to deny the fact that you wish you had a bunch of your old LEGOs around to start forming some new sculpture or machine. In the end I simply enjoyed it for the fact that these folks take their interest, and an object that was designed for simple reinterpretation, and make the possibilities seem infinite.

AFOL A Blocumentary from AFOL on Vimeo.

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