Thursday, March 27, 2008

The time has come.

The time has come., originally uploaded by JakeEbel.

Well my friends, all I can say is, watch your back.

In my possesion, and shown above, is my new camera. I will be using this camera in an ongoing effort to take a picture of everything that strikes my fancy.

That could be you. Yes, YOU.

There are a few ways to avoid this. First on the list is to tell me about really interesting places that could lend themselves to interesting shots. Do this and you'll have instant veto rights on all photos that contain your nice little visage.

Your second option is to run. This probably won't work very well as I can most likely snap your picture before you'd get very far, and then there would be a terribly silly photo of you doing such, which I will promptly show the world.

"This is my friend trying to run away from my camera. Isn't it HILARIOUS!" I'll say.

I was going to state that your third option is to hide. But really. Hide from ME!? Ha! Please!

So there it is. You help me and I'll try to help you not embarass yourself. A solid plan in my estimation.

: )

Anywho, I CAN'T WAIT! I love taking photos and I promise to make everyone look fantastic! (within reason of course)

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