Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The People I Know Are The Best

The People I Know Are The Best, originally uploaded by JakeEbel.

So Alycia says to Zack and I, "I'm going to make something to eat but it's probably not going to be any good."

Then we come out to this.

Alycia, babe, I think you need to have a little more confidence in your abilities, because that meal was pretty darn fantastic.

Sauteed shrimp and cherry tomatoes on a bed of roasted potatoes with a lentil soup on the side and yes, it's perfectly normal for your mouth to be watering at this point folks.

Good eats people. Good eats.


Unknown said...

Okay, so Jake, please tell me you've watched the Look Around You series. I know you'd totally get it and completely love it.

Jake said...

I have not! But google and wikipedia tell me it's from the BBC, which is all I really need to know. Now I just need to actually find episodes of it and unfortunately netflix is devoid of any traces of them.

If they don't get this and The IT Crowd soon I'm going to be very disapointed.

Unknown said...


Cut your teeth on Maths.

Jake said...

Oh my word I can't even CONTAIN the joy I have for that program!

I'm going to start carrying razorblades and inviting people to things that happen on "April the fourth of September".

Unknown said...

Don't forget your Garry gum. And in case of diarrhoea, anti-Garry gum.

And set your calculator to stun.